500WS |
Features | Other Biological Actions | Applications & Recommended Dilution Ratios | Safety Of Biovectrol® 500WS (Azadirachtin) | Storage | Packing | Related Documents |
Please click here for BIOVECTROL® 500WS PRODUCT BROCHURE |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS is an unique, high azadirachtin (A + B) content, proprietary
water soluble concentrate formulation designed for root feeding, drip, foliar and stem
injection as systemic applications for crop protection and growth enhancement.
BIOVECTROL® 500WS is applied to agriculture, horticulture and silviculture plants
to control pests via its high penetrability and systemic effects with various
application techniques.
BIOVECTROL® 500WS is an insect control agent with multiple modes of activity,
such as antifeedant activities, insect growth regulation (IGR) effects and oviposition
deterrence, etc for crop protection. Almost all groups of insect pests including
lepidoptera, hemiptera, coleoptera diptera and orthoptera are affected by these
insect control properties. Its anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties
protect crops against infections. In addition to pest and disease control,
BIOVECTROL® 500WS also exhibits plant growth enhancement by means of
improved photosynthesis and assimilate translocation. |
Features |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS formulations exhibit multiple modes of biological action
which effectively interfere with the life cycle of insect pests. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS stimulates deterrent neurons and inhibits attractant
neurons of insect and thus suppresses insect feeding. It also affects insects’
digestive systems, leading to alteration in feeding behavior. Furthermore, it
inhibits the secretion of insect digestive enzymes that disturbs digestion,
absorption and metabolism. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS has IGR effect, which is one of the strongest and
predominant on immature insect pests. It disrupts molting hormone secretion
and prohibits insect growth. Its IGR effects on immature stages cause growth
irregularities resulting in the prevention of larval growth, pupation and adult
emergence. All insects groups are susceptible to this IGR effect. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS treated plant surfaces are less preferred by insect pests
for egg deposition. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS impairs the development or hatchability of eggs upon
contact. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS treated plant surfaces are less preferred by insect pests
for feeding, colonization and production, due to the behavior-altering feature. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS exhibits systemic activity when applied through root
feeding, drip, foliar and stem injections. The most pronounced systemic effect is
antifeedant activity and IGR effects. Almost all groups of insect pests are
affected, including hard/cuticular pests like thrips and mites, etc. |
Other Biological Actions Include The Following: |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS is effective against nematodes, fungi, virus and bacteria
that are present in the soil. At the same time, more organic matters are being
introduced – thus improving soil conditions for a better farming environment. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS will show enhancement in photosynthesis and positive
assimilate translocation, thus promoting plant health and increasing yields |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS will render insect pests to become physically and
physiologically weak - causing exposed insects to lose their abilities to resist new
applications of insecticide, and thus enhance their susceptibility.
BIOVECTROL® 500WS, when combined with other pesticides, will broaden the
pest spectrum besides efficacy enhancement. It is a good strategy to use BIOVECTROL® 500WS with other pesticides, either in combination or
alternating, for pesticide effect enhancement. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS provides a holistic approach to extremely safe and
effective pest management. |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS is practically harmless to honeybees, earthworms,
predators and parasites under normal application conditions. |
No phytotoxicity was observed on most crops at recommended / practical
dosages. |
Applications & Recommended Dilution Ratios |
Recommend Usage and Dilutions of BIOVECTROL® 500WS |
Root Feeding (via Root Dip)
Root Feeding via Soil (15-days’ interval)
Foliar Spray (7 - 10-days’ intervals)
Drip (Chemigation) at 15 - 30-days’ interval |
1 : 200 - 250
1 : 500
1 : 500
1 : 2000 - 4000 |
Stem Injection: |
In general, inject 5 ~ 7.5cc BIOVECTROL® 500WS with 5 ~ 7.5cc water per tree at 45 ~ 60-days’ interval. |
Safety Of Biovectrol® 500WS (Azadirachtin) |
Toxicology |
Acute Oral – Rat LD50
Acute Dermal – Rat LD50
Acute inhalation - Rat LD50
Skin Irritation – Rabbit
Eye Irritation – Rabbit
Skin Sensitization – Guinea Pig |
: > 5 gm/kg
: > 2 gm/kg
: > 0.72 gm/kg
: No irritation
: Slight
: Slight |
Long Term Toxicology |
Developmental Toxicity – Rats
Dietary Toxicity – Rats |
: Non Mutagenic
: Non Carcinogenic
: No Neutrotoxicity (NOAEC 1000 mg/kg)
: NOAEC 50 mg/kg/day
: NOAEC 100ppm |
Storage |
• Keep container closed when not in use.
• Store away from foodstuffs and feeds.
• Avoid direct sunlight and high temperature storage.
• General ventilation and industrial preventive clothing is sufficient. |
Packing |
BIOVECTROL® 500WS is available in 1 Liter, 5 Litres and 20 Litres pails. Other
packing sizes are also available upon request. |
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